
Common skill set for Data analyst 2024

In the fast-paced world of data analysis, mastering core and ordinary skills is crucial for success. Whether diving into datasets to uncover insights or presenting your […]

Mar 06, 2024

How to improve your Communication Skills in 2024

Practical communication skills aren’t solely about conveying information; it’s also about understanding the dynamics of human interaction. Let’s delve deeper into some key aspects: Trust Building […]

Mar 06, 2024

Business opportunities in Dubai

Dubai, the crown jewel of the United Arab Emirates, has established itself as a global hub for business opportunities and innovation. Its strategic location, progressive government […]

Mar 06, 2024

What is exponential growth?

Do you know what exponential growth is? We are referring to an accelerated growth pattern in an increasing proportion over time. When applied in a business […]

Feb 21, 2024

How to prepare an efficient business plan?

Developing an efficient business plan can be a decisive factor in making your business successful. The idea is to do this before investing in a new […]

Feb 21, 2024

What is emotional intelligence at work?

Emotional intelligence elements can assist workers with managing their own emotions. This assists with keeping away from imprudent reactions and unseemly responses to distressing or testing […]

Feb 21, 2024

What to put in the desired position on the resume?

Some questions are common when putting together your CV. One of them is about what to put in the desired position. After all, this information may […]

Feb 21, 2024

How to describe activities in the resume?

Have you ever thought about the importance of describing activities on your resume? This seems like a simple step in creating the document, but it plays […]

Feb 21, 2024

Why shouldn’t I hire you? 4 examples to use in the interview

Examples to use in the interview:- It may seem unusual, but in some job dynamics, interviewers ask questions like “Why shouldn’t I hire you ?”. The […]

Feb 21, 2024

How to make business planning for 2024?

Business planning – In a market that is constantly reinventing itself and more people and companies want to stand out; it is essential to have well-defined […]

Feb 20, 2024

How to establish a company’s routines and processes

Company’s routines and processes:- Disorganization is not something you want for your company, right? So, staying connected to the business routines and processes is necessary. These […]

Feb 20, 2024

Data and information management

Data and information management is increasingly solid in companies. This is because it enables precise strategic decision-making. After all, it helps you better understand your potential […]

Feb 20, 2024

CV with photo: after all, is it worth including or not?

CV with photo are a controversial topic in the job market. After all, there is no consensus among recruiters and HR experts on the subject.  While some […]

Dec 11, 2023

How to improve LinkedIn SSI in 4 simple steps!

Improve LinkedIn SSI – This indicator considers a series of factors to assess how relevant your profile and actions on the social network are. Among the most […]

Dec 11, 2023

12 essential knowledge for professionals of the future

Essential knowledge – In this context, what skills and competencies do you need to develop to guarantee your place among the professionals of the future? That’s what you’ll see […]

Dec 11, 2023

How to discover your strength and weaknesses to grow your career

Have you ever heard about strength and weaknesses? Do you know how to find out what yours are? Many people have in mind that understanding their strength and […]

Dec 11, 2023

How to develop analytical thinking with 9 tips

Analytical thinking is a cautious and deductive way of thinking in which data analysis and logic work together to make decisions.  This type of thinking uses […]

Dec 09, 2023

The profession that makes money or one that brings satisfaction? Which one to choose?

If you decide on your profession, makes money – you are undoubtedly thinking about which path to choose: a career that earns more money or brings […]

Dec 09, 2023

What to consider before changing careers

Changing careers – Taking action on the spur of the moment may result in more anxieties than resolutions. As a result, before making a choice, consider […]

Dec 09, 2023

Do you know the difference between leader and boss?

When we talk about management, it is widespread to see people using the concepts of boss and leader as synonyms. However, being a boss or a […]

Dec 07, 2023

See 7 steps to re-enter the job market

Are you looking for new job opportunities? Then, the job market relocation process is what you are looking for. Professional relocation is a process that requires a […]

Dec 07, 2023

How to overcome a lack of confidence

How to overcome a lack of confidence – The absence of trust is an issue that influences a significant part of the populace. Inordinate compulsiveness, apprehension […]

Dec 07, 2023

Know what to say in the job interviews (and what not to say)

Job interviews are always a little stressful situations. After all, it is your opportunity to secure a desired position. That’s why it’s important to know what to discuss in […]

Dec 06, 2023

How to discover defects and qualities to talk about in an interview

discover defects and qualities – Job interviews are challenging in and of themselves. However, the challenge gains a few layers of complexity when the recruiter asks, “In your […]

Dec 06, 2023

How to be more proactive at work?

How to be more proactive at work? – It’s no secret that proactivity is one of the most desired and sought-after soft skills by companies. Therefore, the greater the […]

Dec 06, 2023

How to behave on the first day of work?

First day of work – You dedicated yourself, assembled an excellent CV, tried your desired selection process, and finally got the long-awaited position.  With the joy of […]

Dec 05, 2023

Signs that it’s time to remove something from your resume

Many people wonder when the right time to remove some aspects from their resume is. So, a question often arises: “When is it time to remove […]

Dec 05, 2023

See how to add extracurricular activities to your resume

You may have heard about the value of extracurricular activities on a resume, but are you using this great resource? A robust CV beyond grades and […]

Dec 05, 2023

See how to highlight skills on your resume

Highlight skills – Knowing how to feature abilities on your resume can be a conclusive figure for getting a decent line of work. Selection representatives want […]

Dec 04, 2023

Online CV vs Paper Resume: Which is best?

Online CV vs Paper Resume – Have you ever wondered if it’s still worth printing your resume on paper and handing it in person when you’re looking […]

Dec 04, 2023

CV tips for those who change jobs a lot

CV tips – Would a CV from someone who frequently changes jobs be frowned upon by recruiters? In such a dynamic job market, it is increasingly common […]

Dec 04, 2023

How to write proper and professional cover letter for Dubai Jobs

A cover letter is a single-page document, attached with the CV when you apply for a job vacancy. A cover letter is your introduction and provides […]

Aug 03, 2023

9 Things of UAE Labor Law You Should Know

Understanding Employment Contracts – UAE Labor Law – You will receive an employment contract when you start a job in the UAE. Please read it carefully […]

Jul 31, 2023

Exploring the Different Types of Visas in the United Arab Emirates

Types of Visas -The United Arab Emirates, better known as UAE, is a confederation of seven emirates, including Dubai and Abu Dhabi. It’s a hub of […]

Jul 30, 2023

Common interview questions of UAE job interviews

UAE job interviews – Job interviews in the UAE are crucial stages in the hiring process, and they can determine whether you secure the position you […]

Jul 28, 2023

How to make a professional CV for UAE Job Seekers

CV for UAE Job Seekers – Have you found a job in the UAE? Then, you have to create a professional CV to introduce your background […]

Jul 25, 2023

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