12 essential knowledge for professionals of the future

12 essential knowledge for professionals of the future

Essential knowledge – In this context, what skills and competencies do you need to develop to guarantee your place among the professionals of the future? That’s what you’ll see in this article! Here, you will learn about the 12 essential pieces of knowledge for future professionals.

1. Creativity

Creativity is finding new ways to apply your knowledge, always seeking to achieve a result.

It has always been essential for human evolution. The transition from the wagon to the car and from the landline to the cell phone results from people’s creativity. In the workplace, creativity plays a fundamental role in business success.

Through this, resources are optimized, costs are reduced, and productivity is increased.

We usually think creativity is something innate; it is born in the person. And children are always very creative. What happens is that we lose this ability over time by not training it.

So, if you want to be a creative professional and secure your place in the hall of professionals of the future, start exercising your creativity.

2. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to know how to deal with feelings and emotions in the most varied situations. A person with well-developed emotional intelligence knows how to identify emotion in themselves and others and use it to their advantage.

Emotional intelligence is vital for those who deal with people daily; conflicts arise from organizational and interpersonal relationships. Imagine that a professional starts crying upon receiving a scolding from your boss.

It would be embarrassing, wouldn’t it? Another situation: imagine that, in a meeting, one of your colleagues loses his cool and starts shouting at the others. These are situations in which people do not have the emotional intelligence to deal with their living context.

This damages not only the professional relationship within the company but also the image and reputation of those unprepared to deal with everyday life’s pressures and challenges.

3. Service orientation

The word “service” means the act or effect of serving.

Whether in industry, commerce, or the service segment, we always serve someone, be it a customer, a co-worker, or a supplier.

Providing a service means helping. And this requires a good dose of collaboration, empathy, and team spirit. For this reason, service orientation is essential knowledge for future professionals.

If machines take care of everything bureaucratic and operational, people focus more on activities that require human contact. And those willing to help others stand out from the crowd who prefer to stay behind a machine.

4. People management

We usually link the term people management to the human resources department. However, managing people is part of the daily life of any employee within a company.

If you are a project leader, you have to manage other colleagues while it is being developed. You must manage your team if you have a supervisor, coordinator, or manager role.

If you are part of the organization’s fire brigade, you may, at some point, also need to manage people. In this sense, people management is essential for anyone.

This skill involves knowing how to lead people, delegate tasks, motivate the team and monitor its performance. People management also requires that you have in-depth knowledge of those who work alongside you.

This way, it is possible to place the right person in the proper role and, as a result, obtain better results.

5. Critical thinking

It may even be that technology is responsible for collecting and analyzing data creating accurate reports on the most diverse topics and scenarios.

However, people make decisions in companies. This is why critical thinking is one of the essential skills needed to be one of the professionals of the future.

Through it, you evaluate options and possibilities, list the pros and cons of each situation, and make decisions that impact the company’s future.

For example, today, we have software that analyzes people’s behavioral profiles and helps HR managers when hiring employees. If the machine was perfect, layoffs would not be needed, right?

But what if, over time, this new employee does not adapt to the organization?

Who decides to fire you, considering the company’s financial situation, the amount of teamwork, and the costs of a new hire? Are the people.

6. Adaptability

With technological changes gaining more and more speed, companies have also entered a new rhythm.

It is necessary to innovate daily, constantly update, and even change the business model to maintain competitiveness. And those inside organizations making everything happen need to develop adaptability.

This competence translates into the person’s ability to adapt quickly to changes, whether in context, ideas, technology, or circumstances.

Imagine that your position ceases to exist in the company. Instead of firing you, your manager offers you another position. You need to learn a new set of activities.

7. Digital literacy

In the past, literacy was only linked to the ability to read, write, and do math. But with the expansion of technologies and communication, we now have digital literacy.

This knowledge is essential for anyone who wants to remain relevant in the job market since we need to deal with technology daily to carry out our activities.

Accessing the company’s computer and leading software is just the beginning.

To stand out, professionals of the future need to master the tools in their field of work and be aware of the trends that shape the future of their professions. In other words, you need to learn to use technology to update yourself as they change.

8. Cloud Collaboration

With the flexibility of work and the implementation of the home office, teams are now in permanent contact through cloud collaboration tools.

Collaborating in the cloud means using resources, such as online applications and software, to develop projects with other people, share documents, and hold meetings via video conferences, among others.

This skill allows you to interact with coworkers regardless of where you or they are. And why is this valuable for companies?

Teleworking allows hiring the best talent without increasing the organization’s costs. Working from home brings cost savings while significantly improving workers’ quality of life.

This translates into better results for the company.

9. Multilingualism

Being fluent in another language is no longer an option for anyone wanting to remain relevant in the market. It is indispensable. English is the language of business, and Mandarin is also advancing rapidly to become an essential language in the corporate environment.

In addition to English, Spanish is present in organizations that do business in Latin America and is essential for us to communicate clearly with neighboring countries, such as Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, and Paraguay, among others.

Therefore, learning other languages ​​should be an item on your checklist of skills to develop to do well in the future job market.

10. Multidisciplinary

In the past, we chose a career and followed it our entire lives.

The administrator worked with administration; the engineer with engineering; the doctor with medicine. However, this scenario has changed a lot in recent years.

Companies need multidisciplinary professionals capable of working on different work fronts and combining knowledge to innovate.

For example, a doctor who takes over the management of a clinic needs to have management knowledge. The administrator who works in ​​environmental engineering must know this market. A journalist, for example, may specialize in economics to cover economic news.

Combining knowledge, the professional has a very diverse background and a unique CV on the market.

11. Transculturalism

One of the great revolutions generated by technology was the ability to communicate with anyone, anywhere in the world. This brought our country’s borders closer; we have friends and co-workers worldwide today.

But getting people from such different cultures to work together is not easy.

Those who deal daily with colleagues from different parts of the world must break down prejudices, understand social, cultural, and religious contexts, and even have a language in common. For this reason, transculturalism is essential knowledge for your professional future.

People capable of working in various sociocultural contexts, with people with different profiles, are more open to innovation and creativity. They also relate better in the work environment and adapt quickly to changes in position and region of operation.

Know more:- How to overcome a lack of confidence.

12. Computational thinking

Technology is at the service of human beings, so we must know how to deal with it in the most varied contexts.

essential knowledge – While machines can perform operational tasks, making extraordinary calculations and unusual combinations of data, we humans can analyze all of this from different points of view.

The software can do a series of calculations and say that the best thing to do to build a road is to displace an entire community of people.

However, human beings can assess the social and emotional impact on the people living in this community and, thus, change the project. Computational thinking comes down to knowing how to read and interpret data and making sense of it.

Read more:- See 7 steps to re-enter the job market

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