Do you know the difference between leader and boss?

Do you know the difference between leader and boss?

When we talk about management, it is widespread to see people using the concepts of boss and leader as synonyms. However, being a boss or a leader is different in corporate practice.

Bosses have a more authoritarian, centralizing and hierarchical management style. Meanwhile, leaders guide their subordinates through inspiring attitudes and a more horizontal management model.

These characteristics of each management profile make all the difference in the corporate environment and results. In this article, we explain more about the difference between a leader and a boss and provide some tips on becoming a good manager.

The difference between a leader and a boss

Even though the words boss and leader are often used as synonyms, it is seen in the job market that these two profiles have many differences.

The boss is that authoritarian figure who centralizes decisions within himself and sees employees as mere subordinates — who must follow his instructions without question.

The figure of the boss was consolidated during the Industrial Revolution period when a supervisor or person in charge was needed to guarantee high production on the assembly line. In this sense, the boss assures results through pressure and employee demands.

Thus, among the main characteristics of a boss, we can mention:

  • centralization of primary project responsibilities and information;
  • refusal or aversion to opinions contrary to yours;
  • use of his authority to pressure and excessively demand his subordinates;
  • tendency not to listen or offer space for debate with employees;
  • prioritizes processes over people;
  • inflexibility to meet and accommodate the demands of its employees;
  • Failure to recognize the need to encourage employees.

Currently, this management profile is losing space in the job market. After all, such a strict hierarchy has not proven effective, both in terms of bringing results to organizations and the climate of the work environment.

Instead of the boss, the leader’s figure has dominated the market more, with his ability to engage and motivate the team through his example and a more empathetic stance.

A leader enables their employees to develop and inspires trust and respect. All this without having to impose yourself in an authoritarian way or depend on a highly hierarchical structure.

In other words, even if opinions are contrary to his, the leader is always open to dialogue, creating an excellent organizational environment among all employees.

Therefore, the main characteristics of a leader are:

  • more horizontal management, with space for everyone to bring their opinions and feel heard;
  • provide feedback whenever necessary;
  • empathy and respect for the diversity of its employees ;
  • promotion of initiatives that seek recognition of the work of its employees;
  • development of actions so that employees can work on their skills and grow in their area;
  • know how to delegate;
  • ability to resolve internal conflicts peacefully;
  • Engage and motivate the team by example.

12 leadership soft skills to develop

Now that you understand the difference between a leader and a boss, you may wonder: what skills should I work on to provide good leadership for my employees?

After all, being a good leader involves many skills that go far beyond management skills. According to Dale Carnegie, author of the book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, the most important principles that a good leader must follow are:

  • Know how to criticize: the manager must communicate to the team that they are not meeting expectations, but without failing to recognize the team’s qualities.
  • Recognize your mistakes: leaders are also human; they have flaws. Admitting a mistake can gain the team’s trust and help someone change their behaviour.
  • Suggest instead of ordering: instead of simply giving orders, the manager can take demands from the team in the form of suggestions or questions.
  • Praise strengths: just as the manager must know how to criticize, he needs to learn how to praise genuinely.
  • Encourage excellence: the team’s respect is reflected in better results and goals achieved.
  • Transform problems into challenges: the manager must make tasks as simple as possible for the team, based on optimism and encouragement.

To achieve these principles, the soft skills that a manager needs to develop are:

  1. Assertive communication ;
  2. Collaborative work;
  3. Adaptability ;
  4. Problem-solving ability;
  5. Self-confidence;
  6. Emotional intelligence ;
  7. Analytical thinking;
  8. Negotiation ;
  9. Conflict management ;
  10. Time management ;
  11. Empathy;
  12. Resilience.

To develop these skills, it is essential to have self-knowledge, create an action plan and invest in continuing education.

Read more:- See 7 steps to re-enter the job market

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