How to establish a company’s routines and processes

How to establish a company’s routines and processes

Company’s routines and processes:- Disorganization is not something you want for your company, right? So, staying connected to the business routines and processes is necessary.

These two aspects are mainly responsible for efficient deliveries and meeting deadlines. Good management of processes and routines is not difficult to do, but it is no less challenging.

So, if you’re wondering “how to establish my company’s routines and processes,” don’t worry; we’ll explain everything now!

What are routines and processes?

Anyone who manages a company knows these two terms are prevalent in the field.

The systematization of processes that ensure the full functioning of the enterprise can be called routine.

Processes are nothing more than the activities performed by each employee, manager, and company leader.

So, yes, talking about routine is necessarily talking about processes. Relating these two words is not that difficult. The challenge is in management, so everything is efficient.

How do I establish routines and processes for my company?

Understanding what routines and processes are isn’t exactly the problem for you, right?

The big challenge is establishing them in the company, which needs to be addressed. If you still ask “how to establish routines and processes for my company,” see this step-by-step.

Structure the activities

The initial step is to know exactly what activities your company has. This mapping must cover the entire business and each employee, including leadership and management.

Please do this by listening to each employee and even customers, who can indicate the most significant obstacles to greater satisfaction.

Establish process standards

To have a process, you need a standard.

This is the way to get all employees on the same page, with a clear flow, and allow an activity to be carried out by different people whenever it is convenient.

Standardization establishes the process flow. Where an activity is born and in whom it should be completed.

One way is using flow tools (calm down; you’ll read about them later) or event management systems.

This standardization also allows processes to be more optimized and achieve better results.

Assign activities by priorities.

When you have everything mapped out and established the standards, you will realize that some activities have higher priorities.

To do this, you need clear goals and objectives, which can be prioritized by deadlines, resources used, impact on the company’s operation, difficulty, and team involvement (collective or personal).

Establish the “owner” of the task.

Once everything has been mapped out and priorities have been established, it’s time to delegate these activities. It is not up to the manager to be “the owner” of all activities, but rather to know who to assign them to and know how to manage the entire process.

It is essential to consider this to avoid micromanagement and centralization, which hinder the entire team’s efficiency.

How do you manage routines and processes?

Now is the time to know how to make all this work and find out if the routines established in your company are efficient.

Check out these tips on how to manage routines and processes well.

Think about time

This is something inherent to a company’s efficiency. Time is the period in which a given task takes to complete.

It needs to consider factors such as available resources, the team’s capacity, and productivity so that a deadline is established relatively.

And, of course, the deadline for the client.

So, monitor all these factors to assess whether the time is adequate for that activity so that it does not harm the entire process.

Monitor results

The result is the end of the process. This can mean several aspects, such as the final product or a stage in its production.

Whatever it is, evaluate business results, always considering quality, completion time, and customer satisfaction, for example.

Listen to your employees.

Something essential for any leadership. Here, it is crucial to create feedback system alignment meetings that can always give employees a voice.

Always think about valuing a person’s work and understanding any problems that may arise. Don’t limit yourself to “official moments”; always talk, even if informally.

Use tools

Good management needs platforms that help with the heavy lifting. Be it in the flow, task delegation, or project monitoring.

Therefore, you will have a list of tools to help answer “how to establish my company’s routines and processes.”

Check out!

Know more:- How to overcome a lack of confidence.


You can complete management through Trello, creating boards and stipulating practically everything you need for a project.

Your progress can be tracked in the status columns, each with a different person responsible.

Of course, all your employees must participate, which becomes a great way to interact with the team — even more so when working from home.


Asana is very similar to Trello. Also, using cards, projects are developed and assigned to a user, always with details of each task and responsibility.

You can track deadlines by calendar, making Asana also a great way to check routines.


Kanban is, in fact, a management model — which does not prevent it from being called a tool.

It can be said that it permeates the last two that you read now: the model is based on a visual creation of the process, in which a table (or card) is the detail of the project (or activity), and the columns in which it “travels.”’ are your statuses.

The interesting thing about talking about Kanban without seeming repetitive about Trello and Asana is that this methodology can be applied beyond these two tools.

Management itself will say this, as it may see opportunities to apply Kanban in other ways or limitations in both tools (for example, internet connection).


Don’t think that Google is just an internet search engine. Well, you certainly know that. Perhaps you don’t know that the web giant has many other features, including those for your organization.

Starting with Drive: With it, you create a shared online space accessible from any device and can manage virtual documents.

You can also use Calendar to manage tasks and appointments and schedule online meetings with Meet.

Read more:- See seven steps to re-enter the job market

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