Data and information management

Data and information management

Data and information management is increasingly solid in companies. This is because it enables precise strategic decision-making. After all, it helps you better understand your potential customers and, why not, the market.

Even though it is a subject rooted in the vocabulary of companies, data, and information management, it is a challenge to interpret and practice.

After all, the enormous volume of data, some obstacles, and even the way to interpret it are challenges.

But there are some efficient ways to do all this. So, check out this text about data and information management!

What is data and information management?

Data and information management is the administration of all stages of references about customers or other bases that you want to analyze.

When discussing internships, data management must be separated from information management because they will not be the same.

Data management is the initial stage, and it is still without contextualization. It is data, for example, to say that a company issued 15 invoices in a week.

But in itself, this data is vague. Without context, there isn’t much to take away from it.

However, if other data is extracted from this data, such as the types of banknotes issued and the values ​​compared with equivalent periods, for example, the information will be available.

Therefore, it is valid to say that data is the raw state of this base without due “polishing.” Information is the most advanced stage, with contextualization allowing for better analysis.

So, it is simple to relate data and information management together; after all, for data to be strategic, it needs to be transformed into information to make decisions.

Why is it essential to manage data and information?

When you understand data and information management, you realize its central importance is providing the basis for decision-making.

These decision-making tend to be more assertive with data analysis, which can only be done with efficient and organized management.

This decisively affects the company’s excellent growth, which will better understand its audience, its own business, and the market as a whole.

What are the principles of data and information management

For good management to be carried out, it must start from some principles.

  • Relevance (golden rule): this principle says that data must be a corporate asset, an asset, and a right that can be converted into monetary means.
  • Quality: concerns the organization, classification, and definition of processes so that the data gains quality.
  • Risk management: data can typically carry confidentiality or be sensitive. Therefore, it is essential to create policies and regulations for its treatment.
  • Federation: this principle concerns essential standards to be carried out in management, such as file formats, data prioritization…
  • Efficiency: Stumpf’s data must be available at the right time and place and in the ideal format to be analyzed.
  • Collaboration: taking due care with LGPD, data needs to be shared and publicized.
  • Innovation: this principle concerns the need to find new techniques to be efficient constantly and have good management.
  • Contextualization: depending on this principle, data can be analyzed, treated, and stored differently.

7 efficient ways to manage data

Keeping the principles in mind, it is possible to indicate some efficient ways of managing data and information in a company.

Check out.

1. Data protection

First, your data and information management must be attentive to protecting these assets.

As one of the principles, data must be protected. For this, at minimum, some professionals, such as information security guards, who are specialists in this area and understand LGPD, will be required.

The General Data Protection Law requires companies to have policies and guidelines to protect data from customers, suppliers, and employees.

In addition to legal measures, it is worth highlighting that some internal data is sensitive and must be rigorously protected to avoid compromising the business.

2. Have a diagnosis of what you already have

To start good data and information management, you need to know what you already have in your company.

This way, it will be possible to understand what this data is and its primary processing needs to define priorities.

3. Organize and classify

Having the diagnosis and already knowing the needs, it is possible to start organizing and classifying this data.

As you have also seen in the initial mapping, it will be possible to prioritize in addition to knowing what data needs to be kept and what can be discarded, even to save cloud space.

4. Create owners for data and information management

Each piece of data and the strategy for processing and analyzing it must be responsible.

This may include outsourcing or hiring software for task management, even creating deadlines so that everyone can monitor the progress of these analyses.

5. Have a strategy

With all these “steps” so far, you and your company can now think of a strategy. And that is essential.

Create goals based on this data, with budgets, defined tools, and which teams will be responsible for applying the strategy.

6. Ensure data integration

A company’s data is essential for all sectors, and a strategy that starts from the point of data management will only work when this flow follows a cadence in which everyone is integrated.

There is no way, for example, for a commercial sector to act alone without marketing data providing them with information — and already well prepared.

Each sector can still generate its data and information. Therefore, they need to be integrated into the analysis together, always respecting the principle of contextualization.

7. Track results

Finally, monitor the results generated by each strategy.

The results will be new data to be analyzed and the fuel for new strategies. In addition, of course, to knowing whether the strategy and management of data and information have worked.

Remember to set goals and monitor results throughout the strategy, not just at the end.

As you noticed, much attention is needed when the subject is given information.

This requires exceptional care with security and the appropriate treatment of this data.

When discussing data and information, these assets are usually based on what is achieved in digital campaigns and huge numbers.

What is needed is an automated and very well-managed process so that professionals and the company can focus on strategic decision-making.

Some fiscal data, such as that contained in invoices, requires this automation and attention.

That’s why you need software that can automate queries and manage invoices, especially if the issuance in your company is very high.

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